E da Londra una nuova recensione a 4 stelle sul The Times!!
“La pizzica del gruppo si fonde con ballate soul e inni pop incredibilmente accattivanti che Durante ha creato con alcuni songrwiters di grido di New York. Canzoniere, pieno di carattere e colori, non compromette le proprie coraggiosi radici pizzicate”
CGS is the more easily pronounced acronym for the dynamic south Italian folk group Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino. Their leader, the violinist Mauro Durante, is probably the most exciting feature on Ludovico Einaudi’s world-conquering chill-out albums. This is a record also looking for an international audience. The band’s mesmeric pizzica folk style blends into soul ballads and hook-heavy pop anthems that Durante created with some big-hitting New York songwriters. Such projects can yield vapid crossover gloop, but Canzoniere, full of colour and character does not compromise its gutsy pizzica roots.
Of course, Anglo-Saxons will have to conquer their suspicion of listening to anything not sung in the Queen’s English (why no translation of lyrics in the sleeve notes?), but Canoniere is worth the trouble.